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Mobile Mix Inc. Terms and Conditions:

  • There are NO REFUNDS on concrete orders.
  • As a courtesy we can help re-check your measurements.
  • Mobile Mix Inc. and HOME DEPOT are NOT responsible for any finishing work needed to be done to delivered concrete.
  • Offload time is 10 minutes per cubic yard. If allotted time expires, the customer will be charged an additional $1 per minute. This is at the driver’s discretion.
  • Wheelbarrows, and hand/concrete tools are NOT included in concrete price. These items can be rented or purchased at your local HOME DEPOT store.
  • Customer is responsible for wheel barrowing concrete to pour site if needed.
  • Mobile Mix Inc. provides a curbside delivery service only. Deliveries beyond the curbside are done at the drivers discretion.

Recommended Tools:

Concrete Prep Tools:

  • Wooden / Steel Stakes
  • Wire Mesh or Rebar
  • Forms
  • String Line & Level
  • Tape Measure
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Shovels (point & flat head)
  • Work Gloves
  • Expansion Board (if needed)

Working Tools:

  • Concrete Tamp
  • Bull Float
  • Edger
  • Jointer
  • Fresno
  • Steel Trowels
  • Wheelbarrow (HEAVY DUTY)
  • Concrete Broom
  • Rubber Boots
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Long 2" x 4" Screed
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Concrete Calculator:

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Cubic Yards required: 0 Yards

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Glossary of Concrete Terminology:

Accelerator - Chemical substance added to a concrete mix that reduces the set time by increasing the rate of hydration.

Aggregate – Concrete is a mixture of water, Portland cement, and aggregates (sand and / or stone). Sand is considered a fine aggregate, while any stones are coarse aggregates.

Bull Float – a tool comprising a large, flat, rectangular piece of wood, aluminum, or magnesium. Usually 8 inches wide and 48 inches long, and a handle 4 to 16 feet in length, used to smooth unformed surfaces or freshly placed concrete.

Cubic Yard – Unit of measure for ready mix concrete. Concrete is ordered, sold, and batched by volume.

Curing – The maintenance of the proper moisture and temperature of concrete is its early stages that desired properties may develop.

Portland Cement – A hydraulic cement that sets and hardens by chemical interaction with water.

Sack Mix – The amount of sacks of cement in a cubic yard of concrete. Specified when ordering, concrete is typically referred to as a 5 sack mix. The sacks of cement needed in a mix are usually specified in either the plans or the specifications of a project. More sacks = more strength.

Screeding – The operation of forming a surface by the use of a screed or strike-off and screed guides (typically, the forms).

Set Time – A measurement in hours and minutes of the hardening of concrete to resist a measure of penetration.

Slump – A measure of consistency of freshly mixed concrete, measured in inches. It is the distance that freshly mixed concrete subsides when a conical mold (slump cone) is lifted from the test specimen. Increasing the slump is typically done by increasing the batch water. This method also will begin to erode the strength of the concrete as the slump is raised higher than its designed level.

Sub Grade – The prepared and compacted soil made to support a structure or pavement system.

Volumetric Mixer – A concrete mixer that measures and produces plastic ready-mix concrete by volume rather than weight. Volumetric mixers meter their concrete output as they produce the concrete, also known as continuous batching.

Do it yourself guide:

Step 1: Site Preparation & Planning

•Sub grade must be compacted and free of standing water
•Forms must be secure and capable of withstanding load pressure of fresh concrete
•Arrange enough help to place and finish concrete. Start with a minimum of 2 people for a 1 cubic yard pour. Add one person for each additional cubic yard of concrete. If you are using wheelbarrows to move the concrete form the truck to the forms, add an additional person.
•Assign specific responsibilities to helpers before concrete arrives
•Provide acceptable access for delivery
   1. pathway must be of stable soil (able to support 85,000 pounds)
   2. pathway must be at least 10 feet wide and 14 feet high
   3. avoid bringing trucks over curbs, sidewalks, and driveways

•The discharge chutes can reach approx. 12 feet
•Determine what type of control joints will be used to control cracking; hand tooled or saw cut. TIPS:
   1. Concrete used for residential applications should be at least 4 inches thick
   2. Placement of control joints should be determined in the planning step
   3. Control joints should be placed no more than 10 feet apart
   4. Sections should be square or nearly square
   5. The joint depth should be at least ¼ the thickness of the concrete
   6. Avoid creating triangles or odd shaped panels when placing joints

Step 2: Placement

•Concrete must be discharged as close to final position as possible (eliminate “dragging” concrete long distances)
•Concrete must be discharged in a timely manner upon arriving to the job site. If you are using wheelbarrows to move the concrete from the truck to the forms, make sure you have enough help to finish the project in a timely manner.
•During the placement process, follow these easy steps:
   1. Strike off or “screed” the concrete to the proper elevation or form height with a wood or magnesium straight edge
   2. Immediately after striking off and before bleed water appears, the concrete must be bull floated and the edges formed with an edger
   3. After bull floating, no finishing practices must take place until bleed water has completely evaporated.
•Concrete will be glossy when bleed water is present and will dull when it evaporates.

Step 3: Finishing

•Finishing is the process of texturing the concrete. If you are using hand-tooled control joints, these must be completed prior to final texturing. The following textures may be applied:
   -A broom or brush finish is recommended for exterior applications that require maximum skid resistance such as; sidewalks and driveways. To achieve a broom finish; simply push or pull the concrete broom across the concrete when it reaches the desired consistency; timing is a judgment call based on desired depth of broom texture.
   -A porous trowel finish is recommended for exterior applications that require minimal skid resistance such as; patios and porches. To achieve a porous trowel finish; trowel the concrete when it reaches a consistency that supports our weight but leaves footprints approximately ¼ inch deep.
   -A hard trowel finish is recommended for interior applications that require a non-porous surface such as shop floors and garage floors. To achieve a hard trowel finish the concrete must be finished with a power trowel.
   -For decorative or architectural finishes we recommend that you hire a qualified licensed contractor that specializes in decorative concrete.

Step 4: Curing

•Curing is the most important step in concrete placement, yet is typically the most neglected. To ensure that concrete reaches its maximum designed strength and durability, it must be properly cured. This process must begin as soon as the concrete will accept the process without damage to the surface. There are two methods for curing concrete:
   1. Wet Curing is the process of keeping the concrete surface saturated. A garden sprinkler is typically used for the type of curing.
   2. Curing Compound is a chemical that seals in the moisture. They are typically applied with a sprayer but can also be rolled on with a paint roller.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Will the color of the concrete change as it cures?
  2. What is a slump?
  3. What is a tamp used for?
  4. How long does it take for concrete to dry enough to walk on?
  5. How long does it take for concrete to cure enough to drive on?
  6. Should I put cure or water on the concrete?
  7. Do I need ABC for subgrade?
  8. What is a control/construction joint and where are they needed?
  9. What is an expansion board and where are they needed?

Will the color of the concrete change as it cures?
Yes it will become lighter as it cures.

What is a slump?
The slump refers to the consistency of the concrete (how wet or dry the mix is).

What is a tamp used for?
A tamp is used to blend the aggregate downward into the mix and bring the “cream” to the top. The use of a tamp will provide a more workable mix and allow for a proper finish.

How long does it take for concrete to dry enough to walk-on?
Wind, humidity, and sunlight are all factors in how long it takes for concrete to dry.

How long does it take for concrete to cure enough to drive-on?
Again, wind, humidity, and sunlight are all factors, but the standard is 5-7 days.

Should I put cure or water on the concrete?
Yes. After the initial 12 hours, applying cure or water for 5 days every morning and night is recommended.

Do I need ABC for subgrade?
Only if you are raising the elevation of the pour, ABC will need to be compacted.

What is a control/construction joint and where are they needed?
It is a groove joint used to control concrete cracking. They are needed no more than 1.5x the width.

What is an expansion board and where are they needed?
It is material placed in the concrete to allow for expansion and contraction of the concrete. They are needed if you have 2 sides that are constricted, parallel, and it is also recommended if you have 3 sides combined.

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